Keeping the commercial construction industry vibrant and healthy is a top priority of AGC of Northwest Ohio. We participate in many efforts and activities to support every aspect of our industry.

We influence legislative action on the local and state levels. We support candidates for local and state offices through our Political Action Committee. We help advance certain legal issues that will significantly impact our industry. We market the value of AGC membership to construction owners, architects and engineers, elected officials, state and local agencies, and the general business community.

For more information on the AGC of Ohio Advocacy efforts, click here

For more information on the AGC of America Advocacy efforts, click here. 


Our Construction Leadership Council- The CLC is the sponsor of our PAC efforts as well as many other initiatives. See below for more details. We would love to have you involved too!

Value Proposition: AGCNWO-CLC is a membership-based organization that focuses on the professional development of individuals in the construction industry. We also host networking activities that present great opportunities to build relationships within the industry. Our events, seminars, and workshops are intended to save you time, make life easier, and save you money. Our inclusive culture offers our members a unique supportive experience with mentors that help you accomplish your professional goals.

Industry Advancement Lead: Jenni Harris |  OCP Contractors

Community Engagement Lead: Traci Hernandez | Nooter Construction

Fundraising Lead: Nick Walby | Rudolph Libbe Inc.

Recruitment and Retention Lead: Ian Townsend |  The Lathrop Company

Sign up to be a CLC Committee Member HERE

Committee Descriptions

Industry Advancement

  • Research and promote Construction Industry Macroeconomics (US economy impact, Industry trends, Interest Rate Impact, Foreign Interest Impact, etc.)
  • Educate members and affiliates of current and future Supply Chain Disruptions
  • Inform how to identify and implement technology (Robotics, AI, Drone, etc.)
  • Trends in mitigating lawsuits and court awards
  • Planning/Managing future risk and reward
  • New market identification and development
  • Political impact on the Construction Industry

Community Engagement

  • Partner with non-profit organizations to provide experience and expertise that will advance the mission of the non-profit organization.
  • Ensure that a diverse mix of organizations are considered and engaged with.
  • Develop and deploy a marketing strategy that ensures AGCNWO-CLC is recognized for our partnerships and activities/efforts.


  • Develop and deploy fundraising activities that supports the cost of CLC events/activities
  • Develop and deploy fundraising activities that increase the CIPAC (Construction Industry Political Action Committee) fund to support political candidates that support construction industry activities that benefit union trades people and companies.

Recruitment and Retention

  • Create opportunities for peer-to-peer knowledge transfer.
  • Introduce new career advancement opportunities for all current members and affiliates.
  • Promote trade careers in communities and schools.
  • Host training opportunities to increase the skills of current members and affiliate staff and attract future talent to Construction Industry.
  • Promote the development of members and affiliates work culture with emphasis on inclusiveness, wellness and safety.

Your industry, your livelihood. Consider supporting your CLC and PAC today!

CIPAC Events

  • Sip and Swing for CIPAC on March 13th– non-members can attend- at Pro Golf Fairways Downtown Toledo. FLYER RSVP HERE
  • Our Annual Member Meeting is March 20th at Maumee Bay Brewing Company’s Warehouse from 4p to 7p  FLYER  RSVP HERE
  • The Annual CIPAC Golf Outing is June 6th at Heather Downs Country Club.