Safety Services

For safety services or materials, call Greg Burkhart, CHST at 419-327-2219.

For resources concerning mental health or suicide awareness, please visit If you need immediate help dial 988.

Drug-Free Workplace Training

Each course below is one hour and meets the requirements for the Ohio BWC Drug-Free Safety Program (DFSP). Each participant will receive a certificate of completion following completion of the quiz and survey. At the end of the supervisor training, we’ll have a brief overview of how to apply and submit for reimbursement through SUR grant.

  • DFSP Comparable/ DFSP Basic and Advanced Supervisors are required to complete 1 hour of employee education and 1 hour of supervisor training. The sessions below meet this requirement.
  •  Location: AGCNWO 1845 Collingwood Blvd. Toledo, OH 43604 in Safety Training Room in the Basement

Click Here to register for a class. 

Class size is limited.

Employee Training is at 3:30pm

Available Dates:

March 25, 2025

If you are a new to the program, click here to register or contact Shawn Roberts at Reliable Drug & Alcohol Testing.

Drug Testing Locations


AGCNWO Safety Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30 am at the AGC. All are welcome to gather and share information, which makes our region the safest place to build. Participants include:

  • AA Boos: Larry Nearhood and Jerod Burkhart
  • Black Swamp Steel: Jacob Ott
  • Dunbar Mechanical: Dan Worstein and Jim Sibrel
  • Eastman and Smith: James Yates
  • Foundation Steel: Various
  • GEM Industrial: Bruce Cramer
  • George Gradel Co.:Michelle Searcy
  • Henry Gurtzweiler Steel: Chuck Sawdey
  • Lakeside Interiors: Adam Michalski
  • Midwest Contracting: Randy Hayes
  • Mosser Construction: Bobby Bassinger-(Chairperson)
  • OCP: Pete Paskiet
  • Rudolph Libbe: Mark Hoffman and Holly Hutchison
  • Spieker Co: Babette Burnett
  • US Utilities: Lenny Schramm
  • VM Systems:  Rob Harris and Jeff King

Link to meeting materials. CLICK HERE.

Training Programs

Contact Greg Burkhart at 419-327-2219.

Visit for access to our local industry’s online training classes.


SMS/ ASP Prep Course Registration: CLICK HERE


This training will give employees a 4 hour safety refresher each year on 4 different 1 hour topics. All training is given during the calendar year and changes each January 1st to 4 new topics. On a 4 year term, the OSHA 16 hour class is retaught and refreshed over that time period. Topics include fall protection, confined space, electrical, ladders, PPE, scaffold, trench and excavation, OSHA, hand and power tools, focus 4 hazards and GHS.


This training is a simple 10 hour class giving a worker awareness training and an overall look at workplace safety. Many companies feel the 10 hour training is the minimum training needed for safety of workers. The training is recognized under OSHA and all participants completing the training will receive the OSHA 10 hour card.

This course is directed towards supervisors of all levels. With 30 hours of required class time, a student is receiving more advanced training on a lot of the same topics as in the 16 hour class. All training meets the requirements for the OSHA 30 hour topics and times. Some companies require that all foremen, superintendents and leaders invest their time in taking the 30 hour course. With detailed topics, participants receive extensive information on the issues that will protect their crews and workers. Workers receive the OSHA 30 hour card for completion.

This training is directed towards any employee and is available for all levels of skill. The class length is typically 5 to 7 hours depending on class size and skill level. The class uses the Medic First Aid program and covers basic first aid, CPR, AED and Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP) training. The training is good for 2 years and puts both first aid and CPR on the same training cycle. Blood Borne Pathogens is also included in the training. This training is required by OSHA annually if employees are exposed to bodily fluids. BBP training teaches workers how to protect themselves from exposure to bodily fluids and how to clean up after an incident occurs.

This training will discuss the purpose of a fire extinguisher and educate people about the different types of extinguishers that are available. Basic fire prevention is taught that touches upon the OSHA requirements. Participants are shown how to use an extinguisher and demonstrations performed on live fires. Participants are encouraged to use the extinguisher in live training to become familiar with its characteristics. This training can last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours in length depending on the number of students. Extinguishers are to be provided by the employer.

This is a 4 hour awareness class and educates those who use aerial lifts about the OSHA requirements and proper safe usage. Both scissors and articulating lifts are discussed along with hands on portion of the class that shows how to inspect the machines and typical problems to watch for. Upon completion workers receive a wallet card indicating they have completed aerial lift awareness training and it is good for 3 years. The training is generic in safe use, inspection and common citations of OSHA and is not brand specific. Employers must certify a worker for a particular brand or type of machine after the awareness training.

Forklift training is a 4 hour awareness class and covers either powered industrial truck or rough terrain forklifts. This training is generic in safe use, inspection and common citations of OSHA and is not brand specific. The employer must certify a worker for a particular brand of machine or type after the awareness training. Upon completion workers receive a wallet card indicating they have completed Rough Terrain training or Powered Industrial Truck training. The training is good for 3 years.

There are several options for training employees and supervisors to recognize hazards relating to falls. The 4 hour class is for those using and wearing fall protection to ensure they understand the basics of OSHA and proper use of equipment. There is an 8 hour Competent Person class that is geared for supervisors and covers not only the basics of law and proper equipment use, but teaches about the different types of fall protection systems, anchorages, inspection of systems, proper supervision of those wearing and using fall protection as well as documentation of all. There is a 24 hour fall rescue class that utilizes the 8 hour Competent Person class with 16 hours of rescue requirements and many hours of practice / hands on training. These trainings use a combination of classroom and hands on training. Training is good for 3 years and receives a certificate of completion.

Fall Protection Safety Class Link:

There other trainings including, but not limited to Competent Person Training, Qualified vs. Unqualified Workers, PPE, Hand and Power Tools, General Safety Training, Handling Emergencies, Preparing for Emergencies, Electrical Safe Work Practices, Global Harmonized Systems, OSHA, Safety and Management, Machine Guarding, Lockout Tag-out and many more. Just Ask!!