Workforce Resources

AGCNWO has collaborated with the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce to put together a list of resources to help expand your workforce. Click here for a detailed list of opportunities!

Quality over Quantity

Another Draft Day is in the books! We didn’t have the largest recruiting class but those that came were of great quality and had several offers to consider. Thank you so much to our members and labor partners who supported this event and participated in JA Inspire. Planning for 2023 has already begun! If you … Continued

2022 Board of Trustees

Effective January 25, 2022, the AGCNWO Board is: President: Matt Vander Hooven | OCP Contractors Vice President: Andy Boedeker | Mosser Construction Inc. Secretary/Treasurer: Erik Johnson | Ivy Development, LLC Past President: Jeff Schaller| Rudolph Libbe Inc. Ken Gabel | VM Systems, Inc. Ray Benjamin | The Lathrop Company. Stan Delventhal | A.A Boos & Sons, Inc. Adam Frye | Spieker Company, Inc. … Continued

2021 Build Ohio Celebration

Congratulations to all of our members who were honored at the 2021 Build Ohio Award Celebration on November 5th in Columbus and to the workers who built these tremendous projects! The Spieker Company ,Mosser Construction Valley Interior Systems OCP Contractors Turner Construction Company

2 Tuff 2 Talk Workshop- Thank you!

Thank you so much to our Breakfast Sponsors: A.A. Boos & Sons, Inc. Black Swamp Steel Electrical LMCC Foundation Steel Henry Gurtzweiler IPS Laibe Electric Co.Lakeside Lathrop/Turner MCA OCP Positive Trades Group/ Sperling Romanoff Electric / CRT Rudolph LibbeSpieker Company and Valley Interiors Thank you, Event Sponsors: A.A. Boos & Sons, Inc. Chas Phipps Digital … Continued


The CLC CIPAC Golf Outing June 4th at Heather Downs Country Club was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who golfed and sponsored our event!

2021-2022 Board of Trustees Elected

Our annual meeting this year was held virtually on January 21st. At this meeting, we elected our new Board of Trustees. Congratulations to Jeff Schaller of Rudolph/Libbe PRESIDENT, Matt Vander Hooven of OCP Contractors VICE PRESIDENT and Andy Boedeker of Mosser Construction SECRETARY/TREASURER. For the full list of Trustees, Click Here.


See what some of our Affiliates in the Financial and Insurance Industries have to say about 2020 and the future.


Congratulations to RMF Nooter, Inc. , GEM Industrial Inc., Industrial Power Systems. (OH), and Rudolph/Libbe, Inc. for being rated some of the Top NMA Contractors Summer 2020.